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Perşembe, 21 Temmuz 2011 07:02

İbrahim Quashush tanınmamış bir kişiydi.

Şarkılarıyla Hama kentindeki ayaklanmada kendini gösterdi.

„Suriye isyanının bülbülü“ olarak anılmaya başlandı.

30 yaşlarındaki İbrahim 3 Temmuz günü Suriye gizli servisi tarafından kaçırıldı.

Ertesi gün işkence yapılmış cesedi bulundu.

„Git artık Beşar" şarkısıyla ünlü olan şarkıcının öldürülmesi protestoların daha yükselmesinden başka işe yaramayacak…

İnsan ister istemez Victor Jara’yı hatırlıyor.

Terör rejimleri kendilerine karşı sanatçılardan çok korkarlar.

Syria wants freedom

Suriye özgürlük istiyor…

İlgili metni İngilizce olarak aktarıyorum.

Suriye halkının bir bölümü Beşar Esad yanlısı mıymış!

Ne çıkar bundan…

Alman halkının üstelik de büyük çoğunluğu, son günlerine kadar Hitler ve nazi partisi yanlısıydı.

Bu durum Hitler’in faşist olmasını ortadan kaldırmıyor.

Syria wants freedom…

Muhabarat her gün kitleye ateş açıyor, her gün ölenler var.

Ve isyan durdurulamıyor…

Özgürlük isteyen halkın yanındayız…



He composed straightforward tunes and sang colloquial lyrics against the
Syrian regime, attacking President Bashar Al-Assad, his brother Maher and
the ruling Syrian Baath Party. The songs were taken up by hundreds of
thousands of demonstrators gathered in the city of Hama, causing more
protesters to take to the streets and making his songs the slogans of
anti-regime protesters across the country.

Ibrahim Qashush, the "mocking bird of the Syrian Revolution," as his fans
preferred to call him, led the protests in Hama's Al-Assi Square on the
"Friday of Departure" at the beginning of July, improvising lyrics that
added to the enthusiasm of the protesters. The songs will have appealed
particularly to residents of Hama, where there is a tradition of group
singing, the protesters being passionate about Qashush's songs and his
striking voice.

It was this voice and these songs that apparently so disturbed the Syrian
regime that it decided to silence him.

Qashush, a young man in his 30s, was kidnapped on a street in Hama on 3 July
as he headed to work. The next day, his body was found in the local river,
his throat cut and larynx removed after signs of brutal torture.

City residents and Syrian human rights groups say that security agents
tortured and killed Qashush before removing his larynx and dumping his body
into the river as an act of revenge for songs that had attacked senior
figures in the regime, among them Al-Assad.

Shortly before his death, Qashush sang, "Bashar, you are not one of us; /
take Maher and leave us; / your legitimacy is no longer recognised by us; /
come on, leave Bashar. / Maher, you coward, / agent of the Americans, / the
people of Syria cannot be disrespected; /come on, leave, Bashar. / We want
rid of Bashar. / with our powerful might, / Syria wants freedom. / Syria
wants freedom."

In response to Qashush's death, protesters dedicated more than 12 Facebook
pages, variations on "We are all the Martyr Ibrahim Qashush", or "We will
not forget you, Ibrahim", to the singer's memory, and within days they had
thousands of followers. The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has also
dedicated a page to Qashush focussing on the latter part of his life.

Fans of the singer said that they would continue what Qashush had started by
continuing to chant for freedom in Syria's cities, even if they too risked
death by doing so. Songs by Qashush were sung during protests on last week's
"Friday of No to Dialogue", and demonstrators in several Arab and European
cities picketed Syrian embassies this week to protest against his death.

Syrian authorities claim that "unknown assailants" were responsible for
Qashush's death, saying that the singer was in fact an informer and that he
was killed in order to incite further anti-regime protests.

Before the uprising in Syria began earlier this year, Qashush had been just
another ordinary young man. However, the popular protests that have swept
the country over recent months led him to be active in leading
demonstrations calling for the overthrow of the regime and the ousting of

According to Hama residents, Qashush was murdered by the regime as a
punishment for his song "Come on, leave Bashar."

Son Güncelleme: Perşembe, 21 Temmuz 2011 17:05